Asbestos Floor Tile Removal

Asbestos Floor Tile Removal

Whenever you weigh the benefits of a product to a society, you need to balance it out against its demerits. The same is true for asbestos. The role of asbestos as a fire-resistant sheet is well-acknowledged. Many have also vouched for its noise-lessening quality, making it a superb material for acoustics. When used over steel girders or on the floor or siding, asbestos can also increase the beauty of the décor several notches. Unfortunately, crumbling asbestos can create major health hazards and even a form of cancer called Mesotheliomia. This serious negative aspect wipes out all its benefits and makes it a hazardous mineral fiber.

Follow government standards for removing asbestos

When asbestos begins to crumble and starts sending airborne particles into the air, one should start looking to remove asbestos from the scene. Professional companies for asbestos abatement work within government approved standards and take up the elimination of harmful asbestos. Their techniques may vary depending upon the size of removable asbestos, its extent of damage and its place of installation. For instance, asbestos on siding is treated differently than that which is used on the floor. Asbestos floor tile removal is a considerable process and should not be taken lightly.

Percentage of crumbling asbestos should be assessed

Any home is within direct line of exposure of floor-asbestos. This means that while undertaking asbestos floor tile removal, a homeowner should look for professional assistance no matter what his inclination towards do-it-yourself techniques is. Professionals look at the acreage primarily and also find out what the percentage of friable asbestos is. If the mineral fiber inspected for asbestos floor tile removal is intact then it can be left undisturbed. While leaving it intact, the professional firms ideally look to encapsulate it by applying methods of sealing.

Disposing the waste properly is significant

The next step towards asbestos floor tile removal is to wet the surface of friable asbestos. This will eliminate any chances of airborne contamination. On wetting, the crumbling asbestos settles down and it becomes lot easier to scrape it off the surface of the girders or floor tiles. Once done, the asbestos can be perfectly sealed inside government approved leak-resistant containers. The next course of action pertaining to asbestos floor tile removal is to take the sealed bags towards a safe site where they need to be placed in labeled bins. Thorough assessment of the amount of disposal is essential and it is equally important to bring the waste to the notice of your local government disposal authority.


Asbestos floor tile removal is not a child’s job as any discrepancy from the approved norm might result in acute respiratory problems. It is strongly recommended that you should wear all the suggested protective clothing even if you are trying asbestos floor tile removal in a do-it-yourself way. This may include but is not limited to disposable coveralls and a powered type particulate respirator. Taking requisite permission from the government authorities is also mandatory before starting the job yourself. Asbestos floor tile removal is a serious concern but equally serious is the need to do it perfectly and safely.