Asbestos Air Testing
For the past three decades or so, manufacturers have reduced the usage of asbestos. We have to keep in mind that anything can be recycled and some corporations tend to use recycle goods and may not check for asbestos in the materials. These materials may be present in your homes. Inhaling asbestos can cause cancer as well as asthma. So what can you and I do to keep our homes or premises save? Simple we can do our own testing. A test can be conducted in the said premises to determine if there are any particles of asbestos in any part . Another method is to get your homes tested for asbestos by an expert.
Performing Asbestos Air Testing
In order to do your own testing you have to make sure that all air vents and any other ventilation is shut tight. The ventilation has to be shut to avoid the asbestos particles to get in the air. Now remember you need to be careful when doing the testing and be prepared for anything.
Take a piece of cloth or even a clear plastic sheet. Cover the culprit with the cloth or with the plastic sheet. Wrap the culprit with the sheet or cloth. The theory is that any particles of asbestos will fall on to the cloth or sheet of paper. Now get the culprit covered with water and some soap. IF you are using a piece of cloth, wet the cloth in soap water. We do this so that the asbestos particles will not get into the air.
Your next step is to get a saw. You need to saw of a piece of the culprit. Cut the culprit right through. So not chip it of. I would suggest that you use a save breathing device to avoid any inhalation of asbestos particles. Place the sawed piece in a container. Dispose of the rest. Do remember that since you cut the culprit, then the plastic or the piece of cloth will have some asbestos particles. So you need to dispose it of properly. Call your waste management agency and find out how to dispose of it.
Submitting the Sample for Asbestos Air Testing
Your next step is to get that sawed piece to a qualified body to do the testing for you. Each state should have a qualified body, so get online and find out for your self. Now on if there is asbestos in the culprit, the agency will come to your premises and do an air test first. An air test is where the air in the said premises will be tested for asbestos particles.
If there are any asbestos particles found the agency will first determine if the amount is higher than usual then only a detail check will be conducted on the premises. If your premise has asbestos you have to remove the asbestos and replace it. It is best to get professionals to do this. They will know how to do it and also save methods of disposing the asbestos material. Everyone in the house or premise should go for a health check, just to be on the save side.