Asbestos Treatment
Long exposure to asbestos can cause fatal diseases. Many scientists have been conducting researches to help these patients. Be fore we go any further, we need to know the symptoms that happen when we are exposed to asbestos. We have to first understand that anyone who has been exposed to asbestos may not realize it immediately. The symptoms will take some time to manifest.
Symptoms of Asbestos Exposure
- Shortness of breath
This occurs because the fibers of the asbestos enters your lungs and remains there. These fibers also scar the lungs. You will feel a slight suffocation and uneasiness when you breathe. Those of you that have has asthmatic problems will know the tightness in the lungs.
- A gradual increase of pain in the chest.
- Dry cough fro a long period of time
Naturally early detection will lead to the success of any treatment. Since long exposure to asbestos can cause cancer, many doctors advise people to not to take chances. If you suspect that you have been in a home or building that has these asbestos materials, it is best to get checked early. So inform your doctor about your concern and you doctor will be able to do the necessary test.
Asbestos Treatments Following Exposure
Surgery can be done to remove the affected lung. This however depends totally on the severity of the case.
Chemotherapy is the treatment for cancer. Here the doctors give a mixture of strong steroids in the form of fluids. These fluids are given through the veins and directly to your blood. Chemotherapy is designed to reduce the cancer cells. Chemotherapy causes a lot of nausea, hair loss and weakness.
Radiotherapy involves radiation. Gamma rays are shot to the cancer cells to kill and retard the growth of these cells. Radiation works, however these cells still end up growing sometimes. The effectiveness of the treatment also depends a lot on the patient itself. Many doctors require the patients to have good family support and lot s of positive attitude. Only then will the patient be able to get through the side effects of the radiation and move on with life at the same time.
Alternative treatment
Many patients seek alternative treatment like ayurvedic treatment, meditative healing and also other healing methods. These methods are known fro their success and many have been cured of their diseases. Those with faith in something bigger than them seek guidance and healing from enlightened masters. These methods have been proven as well.
Once you have decided on the type of treatment you should have the support of your family and friends with you. This is important as there will be days that depression will hit you hard and you will find it difficult to even get out of bed. You will need a friend there to push you out of bed or a family member that can get you out of bed. They make the best distraction from your illness.