Asbestos Surveyors
Asbestos is a type of mineral that could be obtained from South Africa, Canada and Australia. During the 20th century, this is very ideal for producing different types of products such as cement roofing, insulation coatings, pipe insulation, and artex wall coatings. Asbestos was widely used since it was completely prohibited from 1999 until now. It does not pose any threat if it remains undisturbed. Asbestos surveyors are the professionals who detect the presence of asbestos in commercial buildings or houses and remove them in order to make sure that people does not inhale a large amount of asbestos that can lead to serious health problems.
Threats of Asbestos
Asbestos is dangerous when the microscopic fibres are released to the air and inhaled. It is a long-delayed disease that will affect you in 15 to 60 years time. This is the main reason why people that are exposed to asbestos are dead by 50 to 60 years. Some related diseases affected by asbestos are asbestosis (a lung disease characterized by shortness of breath), mesothelioma (a rare cancer of the lining of the abdominal cavity), and lung cancer. Over 3000 people are killed in the UK, each year. The number is expected to rise per annum over the next ten years especially for high risk groups – people that are involved in the making and maintenance of a building. The probability of the asbestos’ threat increases when it is moved or damaged. One thing to be aware of, there is no cure for asbestos diseases.
Types of asbestos surveys
Asbestos surveys are describes in two types. First are Asbestos Management Surveys and the second are Asbestos Refurbishment Surveys. They are practically different as the first one is the standard survey to locate any presence of asbestos containing materials in the building which could be damaged during building setup, maintenance and assess their condition. The second one is done before any refurbishment and or demolition work is carried out. This is made to locate asbestos containing materials in all places, including those that may be difficult to reach. Asbestos containing materials is much to be removed than to to be managed. This type of asbestos surveys is depend on the client/property specific requirements and will be done during the survey planning phase.
Are asbestos surveys essential?
Asbestos survey is not an option. It is the law. It is a requirement to have an asbestos management plan if you are a non domestic property to detect any presence of asbestos in the building. Apart from that, asbestos also may present in domestic properties too. The highest survey that has been done results to 98% presence of asbestos. So, it is a must for every building – before it will be made, to run an asbestos survey by a professional and experienced asbestos surveyor. The key to manage asbestos is to identify its location, identify its types and ascertain its condition. The main purpose to make an asbestos survey is to produce an asbestos register and to compliant with the Control of Asbestos Regulations.