Asbestos Awareness
Asbestos is a material made by six natural occurring compounds, which are silicate minerals that are used commercially for their physical properties. Inhalation of asbestos fibres can cause serious health problems that include lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis. Extensive exposure to a high concentration of asbestos fibres have a high chance of causing serious illness and health problems. Asbestos isn't always an instant hazard as well, in verifiable truth; asbestos can be maintained and be kept in good condition. It is recommended that asbestos be left alone and alternate check-ups must be done to look at its condition.
When Asbestos Causes a Problem
When (ACM) Asbestos Containing Materials are disturbed or it is damaged, then it becomes a hazard to an individual. When asbestos is damaged, the fibres are divided and it becomes airborne as it is separated. In the industry of asbestos, the phrase “friable” is used because asbestos can be reduced and turned into dust by just applying the pressure of a hand leaning or pressing on it whereas, “non-friable” means that asbestos is hard enough to withstand hand pressure and would not break easily and be reduced to dust. Materials that are non-friable like floor tiles or transit siding are not really controlled well because it does not become friable but, by using heavy machinery such as dry-buffing, sanding and grinding with machines often makes non-friable asbestos to be friable.
Much research has been made on asbestos but all this research has not determined a safe level yet for exposure to asbestos. But we all know that the longer we expose ourselves to asbestos, the chances of having an asbestos related disease increases. The health problems as mentioned above (lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis) are the main illnesses that an individual will receive if they have been infected by asbestos.
Asbestosis is a lung disease that was found in naval shipyard workers in the late 1900s. When asbestos fibres are inhaled, they get trapped inside the lung tissues and the lungs cannot expel these fibres. As the lung tries to remove and dissolve the fibres, it lets out an acid but the acid doesn’t do much to the fibres but it scars the tissues that were cut by the fibres instead. In a period of time, the scar will become severe and the lungs will not be able to function well. The disease develops in a slow way taking about 25 to 40 years but can cause critical problems.
Mesothelioma is a cancer of the pleura, which is the outer lining of the lung cavity and peritoneum, which is the lining of the abdominal wall. The disease will develop in about 15 to 20 years. This cancer is very well known for asbestos exposure.
Lung cancer can be caused by asbestos. Though asbestos only gives a little damage towards the lung but if a smoker inhaled asbestos, it gives 50% chance to likely have lung cancer. The cancer usually develops in about 15 to 30 years.