Asbestos Identification
It must be noted that asbestos identification involves training and expertise. The identified object needs to be sent for testing first, in order to confirm that the object contains asbestos. You need to send the object to the relevant bodies to do the testing. Make sure the said body is trustworthy and reliable.
Can we identify asbestos with our sight?
Yes we can. The idea is to realize your surroundings. For instance if you live in a place that is old or even the age of the building is known, this should be a trigger. With the knowledge of this with you, you should be doing a search of the building for anything suspicious. The most obvious suspects will be
- Houses built from the years 1930 to the years 1960 most probably have asbestos insulation in them. So you have to check this out.
- Roofing and shingles are made from cement that has particles of asbestos.
- Artificial ashes may contain asbestos. Artificial ashes are used in the fireplace. So if your place has a fireplace you need to look into this issue.
- Some vinyl floor tiles have asbestos in them. These tiles were very much used in the olden days.
- Some oil and coal furnaces have asbestos insulation.
Inspecting Objects for Asbestos Identification
If there are asbestos objects present in your home, all you have to do is to check and see if the object is in good condition or not. You have check thoroughly and do not miss it any part of the object. Sometimes there may be labels present to inform you if there are any asbestos present in the said object.
If the object is in good condition, then you can opt to not do anything. However if you find that these objects are not in good condition or is broken, then you have a problem. Your next cause of action should be to send the identified object for testing. You need to test it to make sure that the object does have asbestos material in it.
One way to reduce health risk is to ensure that these objects (as mentioned above) are replaced should they be broken or have fibers coming out of them. You will need to ask the local authority as to the methods of disposing these asbestos objects. Now remember that you should not just through the objects into the dust bin. This is to avoid other people in the vicinity from health risk.
If your entire building or house has asbestos, and the building is not in good condition, the best option to remove the said objects using a professional company. This way you r health is not affected. These companies or agencies have the necessary experience, tools and protective gear to remove the objects containing asbestos.