Asbestos Certification
In the early 20th century and late 19th century, asbestos was commonly used in construction works and industry. Asbestos was one of the most excellent electrical resistances and it was fire retardant. It was cheap and very easy to use and obtain. Asbestos has a flaw as well. When asbestos is applied, the fibres become airborne and it circulates in the air and an individual can inhale them but the lungs cannot expel them. This causes the tissues in the body to be cut because the fibres are sharp. Asbestos also gives health problems such as asbestosis, mesothelioma, cancer and diffuse pleural thickening. Because of these problems with health you need to have asbestos certification to own and obtain asbestos. If you're wondering how and what the conditions to apply asbestos certificates are, this article is for you.
Understanding Asbestos Certification
Individuals that is responsible for encapsulation renovation, removal, enclosure, repair that is more than fifty square feet or owns material that contains breakable asbestos in non-supervised amplitude must be license and certified as an Asbestos Hazard Abatement worker or, if any business that handles asbestos needs to be licensed as well. There are many licenses and certificate that can be obtained if one is handling asbestos such as certificate for Asbestos Hazard Abatement Air Monitoring Technician, Asbestos Hazard Project Designer, Asbestos Hazard Evaluation Specialist, Asbestos Hazard Abatement Specialist and Asbestos Hazard Abatement worker
To apply and become a certified and licensed Asbestos handler that is stated above except for the Asbestos Hazard Abatement Contractor, one must undergo and complete the Department of Health Application of Certification whereas to become an Asbestos Hazard Abatement Contractor, you will need to apply and complete the Department of Health Application for Asbestos Contractor Licensure. All certified applications are to be taken at your own respected countries.
In process of application for individuals, you will need four basic items which is a completed application with signature, a copy of your initial and all refresher training certificates, pay the fee that is required and a colored photograph of your current self in clear, one by one inch that needs to be submitted at the end of the application. If you want to apply for a contractor licensure, you will need six items to be submitted with you applications. The items are a completed application that has an original notarized signature, a copy of written overall asbestos abatement work that you have practiced, written medical surveillance program, written respiratory protection program. You will also need a money order amount, which is listed on the application and a proof of registration with the Secretary of State in your own respected county as a business entity.
So, those are the information regarding on asbestos certification. You can apply applications and license of certificate at any health department that has asbestos health program at any approved training centre. It usually takes about two to three weeks to process one application. For more information, contact your local health department.