Asbestos Testing
Asbestos testing is a necessary process to ensure that you or anyone else does not experience exposure to this dangerous substance. Buildings and homes should be tested to ensure that it is safe for habitation. Before the hazard of asbestos was discovered in the late 70s, it was already used in innumerable buildings during construction due to its fire resistant properties. Inhalation of its particles can cause fatal illnesses including lung cancer and asbestosis. The dangerous material can be found in pipe lining, flooring, and even insulation. It is usually mixed with starch, cement, asphalt and other materials used for binding purposes.
If you are considering purchasing an older structure it is important to test for asbestos. In some states, it is mandatory to test the structure and you can find testing records of the building for you to peruse. Testing should also be done before renovating or remodeling an old structure.
Professional help is necessary for two reasons. Firstly and foremost, handling asbestos is dangerous. Asbestos removal experts will know the proper procedures that need to be taken when handling and dealing with asbestos. Second, the special respirators are required when removing asbestos as the fibers are so tiny you may inhale them without knowing.
Proper Procedure for Asbestos Testing
Taking a sample of material that may contain asbestos must be done carefully and prudently only by experts. Asbestos can become very dangerous if it is broken up and its fibers become airborne. These steps must be observed:
- The contaminated area should be sealed off from the other areas.
- Only the expert asbestos remover should be in the area, and must be wearing designated rubber gloves.
- Ensure air-conditioning, heating systems and other ventilation systems are shut down.
- A very important tip is to wet the material before removing it, and the dampness keeps the fibers from becoming airborne.
- Only take a small sample, do not disturb any more than necessary.
- Make sure that the sample taken contains the full depth of the moist material.
- The sample should be stored in a clean container which the asbestos removal expert will have with him.
- Tightly seal the container with the sample inside.
- Clean up any material found on the outside of the container using a moistened paper towel.
- Make sure the container is clearly marked with its contents. There should be an identification number on the label and should state the details of when and where the sample was collected.
- The samples collected should be relative to the space of the room or area it is collected from. From a larger room, take more than one sample to be safe.
- Last but not least, cover up the area and keep it sealed.
- Should your asbestos expert return with a positive result, it is time to remove the contaminated building area as soon as possible.
Now it’s time for the experts to start doing their job. Your local state health agency will have a list of experienced and licensed removers. Do not vacuum or sweep the area, and avoid any activity that may disturb the asbestos-present areas. Keep the area cordoned off from children and pets until the asbestos is removed. Do not do any renovations or remodeling until your home has been declared asbestos-free.