Asbestos Cleanup
Asbestos is a highly dangerous substance that can be found in products such as floor tiles, gloves and other industrial materials. It was used for its ability to resist heat. It was used in building materials from the late 19th century and only in the 70s when workers started getting fatal illnesses did the full realization of the dangers of this material come to light. Since then, it has become a top-priority for homes and buildings to be checked for its presence and to have it removed quickly to protect inhabitants. Exposure to its tiny fibers can cause lung cancer and other respiratory issues.
The Dangers of Asbestos
One of these dangerous illnesses is called Mesothelioma. It is a form of lung cancer brought on by inhalation of asbestos fibers. But it’s not just the lungs that get affected; it can also cause damage to the heart or even the abdominal area. Exposure to asbestos fibers can cause cancer in the membranes. Symptoms do not show up immediately, and there is no cure. The only alternative is temporary relief from the pain with the assistance of prescribed drugs and chemotherapy. Therefore, preventing this from occurring is of utmost importance.
Consider a Cleanup
Asbestos cleanup is the best way to make sure that the environment you inhabit is free from this hazardous substance. Although you may feel that you are quite equipped to do the cleanup yourself, its best if you leave this dangerous and time and energy consuming job to the experts. A professional asbestos cleanup service will know all the necessary procedures that should be taken to remove the asbestos from your environment, as well as the correct clothes to wear, respiratory equipment that should be used as well as proper disposal methods.
There are some considerations when doing an asbestos cleanup. It is important to ensure that the contaminated area is cordoned off from people and pets. Make sure the area is sealad and caution signs are placed in and around the area to warn people about the contamination. There are two particles you need to worry about – ‘friable’ as well as ‘non- friable’. ‘Friable’ basically means that the material has become more dangerous due to the fact that it has dried and therefore is more susceptible to breaking into tiny powdery fibers and getting airborne.
Because of this, they can easily enter into your breathing space. ‘Non-friable’ particles are more likely to be found on more compact and thick areas. That’s the reason why most people would advise you that wetting the affected area before removing it will prevent them from falling off or flying away and getting into the air.
Another reason why expert asbestos removal services will be better is because they have access to designated disposal methods and sites. Asbestos must be disposed of properly to ensure the safety of all. Never ever mix it with your other waste materials. Removing ‘friable’ materials cost more than ‘non-friable’ materials due to the complexity in removing them. Do not be thrifty when getting asbestos removal done. This is about saving your life and the lives of your loved ones.